Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Welcome to Katanya and DJKing

Rayne and I would like to officially welcome our newest Sage, Katanya Shadow and her liege DJKing Goldenberg to The House of Darkfyre family!
Kat has become a welcome face around lands for the past few weeks and she brings with her an extreme love for the family and great ideas for fun and family bonding.

DJKing has recently met with us as Kat expressed to us her wishes for him to be her liege. I am very pleased to be taking him on as one of my charges as he brings with him an extreme level of knowledge in the vampiric arts and is a great man to have by one's side.

We are pleased to welcome them both to the family and embrace them with love and admiration!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome Bliss!

Finally our Blissfullness has officially come home! Today we welcomed Crow's beloved officially into the House of Darkfyre family.

We are so very excited to have her here where she belongs and look forward to many dark nights enjoying her company. Crow will carry on as her beloved liege and will guard her heart and her in this life.

Blessings to you both and welcome Bliss (Blissfulsleep Novelli) to House of Darkfyre!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Congrats to Nyg!!

Congrats and welcome to Nyg!!
Tonight, Nyg completed his transformation from mortal to vampire. He has dinigently been attending classes at Vampire Academy and I am sure that he will succeed in his new role and learn to relish in the taste of blood and the love of new family. He has lieged to our king and will be training under his care.
Congrats again and welcome!! <3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Class Notes From Vampire Academy Class on Blood, Lumens, and Other BL Products

First, to start… A bit about Food.
Everyone’s biggest concern when starting out in Bloodlines is “how do I get people to let me bite/claw them so I don’t die?” Personally, I feel that if more lieges taught their minions how to simply “eat” that there would be fewer “Spampires” (people who end random bite requests) in Bloodlines and outsiders would see us all in a better light.
So, first to spare the obvious confusion across species lines…
Humans eat apples to raise their humanity levels.
Vampires drink vital blood to maintain blood levels.
Lycans (werewolves) take in lumens (moonlight units) to stay enraged.

Now, you can buy single units of each to keep your levels up. Lumen Prisms, Blood Shots, and Apples are between 14-16L depending on if you purchase them directly from Bloodlines or from a vendor. If you take in one of these single units, you will get one day’s worth of blood/lumens (humans are not subject to a curse, so it will raise them .25 humanity to account for a bite that’s been taken of them).

Now, if you give an apple to a human in exchange for a bite/clawing (which is a requirement for this family), you may not get exactly .25 each time, so please keep this in mind if you are really low. However, in essence it should be considered that the average cost per day to be an immortal is 15L.

Now, to ease that pain of going thru this every day, you can buy storage devices (kinda like a refrigerator) to store your food and build up a reserve for feeding and turning if you are taking on minions.

For vampires you have the option of buying a cask or a tank. They are both the same type of storage device; however, it is just personal preference on the look.

For Lycans, you can get either a bone or iron prism… again, just preference on the look.

For humans, you can buy apple cider barrels to store cider (apples in liquid form).

In either of these cases, you can purchase a siphon to transfer product from one storage vessel to another as you can buy each of them in a multitude of sizes…. both empty and filled.

Now, if you buy them empty… you will pppprrrrooobbbaaably want to put something in them. You can do trhis one of two ways, you can fill it with the product from your own body if you are full and need to bite/claw another, or you can purchase refills in the form of a blood bottle, lumen prism, or cider jug. NOTE: you cannot drink directly from any of the refills so don’t buy them instead of a blood shot if that’s what you are needing to do.
On the chance that you are unable to fulfill your obligation of feeding yourself, I would suggest that you talk to your liege about feeding off of a human within the family or go and purchase protection amulets (for example if you were  going on a vacation for a week and didn’t want to become destroyed). Protection amulets or totems for the wolven variety of immortal range in length from 5 days all the way to forever. Obviously, forever amulets are expensive as hell and 5 days are much cheaper. On a personal note, I have noticed that my forever amulet has also protected my from the lycan curse once I became a hybrid so it was certainly worth it in that respect.

Other Things You Can Ingest: Potions
There are 5 potions: Hemlock to rescue a soul from the Abyss, Wormwood to rescue a soul from Limbo, Nightshade to cure Vampirism, Electrum to retrieve a soul by force, and Wolfsbane to cure Lycanism.
Most potions are relatively cheap (249L) however, the electrum potion to swap a soul by force is rather expensive. In all cases, you should talk with your liege before swapping a soul to make sure you are going it in the most respectful and cost effective way.

Vampire Toys:
Coffin: A Coffin allows you to send blood to your minions if they are low or are destroyed. This is primarily a clan management tool and is not really needed for a young vampire.

Scanner: The Blood Scan is a web-based clan management system for The Thirst: Bloodlines. It allows you to quickly view the stats of your minions, gives you a graph of your total soul history, and will show you a history of minion liege changes. In addition, if your minions own the Blood Scan, you can view their sub-minions as well. It also includes instant checking if any of your minions are in danger from tonight's Curse, and you can set 4 alarms that will check at intervals throughout the day and send you an IM letting you know which of your minions are in danger.

Blood Bond Ring: The Blood Bond links you to another vampire through Vital Blood. Each partner must make a sacrifice of 1 Liter of blood to form the bond, and if you wish to break the bond, it will cost the breaking avatar an additional 1 Liter sacrifice. 

In exchange for this sacrifice, each bonded avatar can send their partner an additional charisma point every day, and you can also send your partner Vital Blood directly from your veins at any time.
You must be wearing your rings to send anything to the other.

The Badge: This is an insigna that you can wear on your clothes that displays your rank: Vampire, Bloodletter, King etc by the picture of the status. You can see the photo that would be displayed for you by visiting that your player profile on www.slbloodlines.com.

The Insignia: This is similar to the badge with the exception that when you click on it, a notecard with clan information will be sent to the ‘clicker.’ You can give copies to your minions and help them recruit for you.
Blood Vial: This is Bloodlines’ version of trading baseball cards, except in this case you are trading vital blood of your friends and enemies. Each vial contains 2.5 blood and text can be toggled on and off to show others the name of the person whose blood you are wearing.

Soul Reaper: This is essential for trading the souls of people who you have collected as they move about to another clan. It is recommended that you speak with your liege before reaping the soul of another or being reaped as most have veeerrrryyy detailed rules on this process to avoid drama.

The Spike: This is a wrist spike accessory that allows you to drain someone of blood much faster than the conventional method. This is good for one person turnings or for emergency situations where you need a lot of blood from someone quickly.

Lycan Toys:
Most of the products in Bloodlines have a cross species counterpart, so I am going to list the counterpart for each in the Lycan world.

Coffin: Sarcophagus
Scanner: Scanner (amazing huh?)
Blood Bond: Lumen Bond (I  know… its ingenious like that.)
Blood Vial: Lumen Vial
The Spike: Rampage Claw

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Congrats to Harley, Our Newest Mortal Companion

Welcome to our newest daywalker and my dear charge, Harley (harleylonerider). He has brightened my days since his arrival into our family and I take pride in watching him grow and learn more every day!

I look forward to great things from you and know that you will be an example amongst humans. Congratulations and welcome to the Darkfyre Family, Harley!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Charisma Points

 In recent months, the vampires behind the Bloodlines products introduced a new metric built in to the HUDs and online profiles. Charisma points are confusing to many people – What are they good for? What do they “do”? What is the point? So, I thought I might take a few moments to break it down and offer some suggestions on the use of Charisma Points.

First and foremost, Charisma Points don’t actually “do” anything. But kind of like collecting blood when you have an amulet, it’s just another form of stored wealth. In this instance though, it is one of the metrics you can’t really go and “buy.” Granted yes, you can create and alt, buy it a HUD, and give yourself Charisma Points… but that’s reeeeeally lame.

In essence, Charisma Points are like “cool points.” Every HUD, with the exception of the WAR HUD can issue one Charisma Point a day. So for example, if you are a hybrid and you have both the Vampire and the Lycan HUDs, you can issue one from each. In addition, if you are Blood Bonded with your partner, you may issue them an extra one from the ring. However, this point can only be given to your partner.

Of course, I would like to be able to say that no one ever gives a Charisma Point on sheer popularity, but I am not a liar so I won’t. However, I like to try to use them for encouraging good behavior. Beyond encouraging minions for doing good work like hunting regularly, keeping their own blood levels up, and attending trainings, I also like to use them for encouraging people for acting as ambassadors of our race. When someone, whether they are in my clan or not, does something that positively displays the mercy and excellence of our species, I like to reward them with a point and tell them what they did to impress me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Place to Call Home

After many months or residing within larger, more formal "clans," The House of Darkfyre has decided that it will separate and live independently of a clan.

Drama, statistics, and rules have become a day to day way of life and we have decided that it is just best for our house to go out into the world and do things as we always have... simply living the ideal dream within Bloodlines of having a close knit family that just wants to have fun together.

[End Rant]