Friday, April 22, 2011

Charisma Points

 In recent months, the vampires behind the Bloodlines products introduced a new metric built in to the HUDs and online profiles. Charisma points are confusing to many people – What are they good for? What do they “do”? What is the point? So, I thought I might take a few moments to break it down and offer some suggestions on the use of Charisma Points.

First and foremost, Charisma Points don’t actually “do” anything. But kind of like collecting blood when you have an amulet, it’s just another form of stored wealth. In this instance though, it is one of the metrics you can’t really go and “buy.” Granted yes, you can create and alt, buy it a HUD, and give yourself Charisma Points… but that’s reeeeeally lame.

In essence, Charisma Points are like “cool points.” Every HUD, with the exception of the WAR HUD can issue one Charisma Point a day. So for example, if you are a hybrid and you have both the Vampire and the Lycan HUDs, you can issue one from each. In addition, if you are Blood Bonded with your partner, you may issue them an extra one from the ring. However, this point can only be given to your partner.

Of course, I would like to be able to say that no one ever gives a Charisma Point on sheer popularity, but I am not a liar so I won’t. However, I like to try to use them for encouraging good behavior. Beyond encouraging minions for doing good work like hunting regularly, keeping their own blood levels up, and attending trainings, I also like to use them for encouraging people for acting as ambassadors of our race. When someone, whether they are in my clan or not, does something that positively displays the mercy and excellence of our species, I like to reward them with a point and tell them what they did to impress me.

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