Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lycan HUD

Lycan HUD

1) RADAR: You can see everyone within 96m of you. Good for hunting or avoiding your ex.

2) HIDE/SHOW: Push the button to hide...push again to show. Try it and you will get it... not that hard ;)

3) CLAWS (BLOODY OR CLEAN): Press the bloody claws and your claws become red with blood. Press the non-bloody claws and well you guessed it. Your paws are all clean again.

 4) JAWS: OK truth be told, I think that this button is a complete ripoff. It appears that the only way that this button has any functionality is when you have the full Lycan beast avatar that Bloodlines makes which to be quite honest is butt ugly. Really, its not the sexiest wolf. See here? http://lycan.slbloodlines.com/instructions/lycanbeast

5) CLAWS (SHOW/HIDE): Also self explanatory... is basically like the fangs. If you are wearing your claws you can hide them and show them at will. (NOTE: you have an inactive and active claw. You must wear your active claw to actually claw someone)

6) HOWL: Again, another silly parlour trick. A pretty cool animation, but the howl sounds more like an elephant. I am working on seeing if it can be replaced with another howl. I will keep you posted.

7) POUNCE: Strictly an animation. Jump up reeeeaaallly high and land in a crouching stance.

8) CLAW: Seems self explainatory... but just in case - you click this when you want to claw someone. A menu pops down and allows you to choose the name of the person you want to request to claw.

9) SCAN: Ok this one is the most useful. This will tell you if someone is a fresh bite and therefore a valued hunt. Also, it will tell you someones status if they have been bitten, allow you to check the blood, lumen, humanity levels of your charges, and get information about people's status and clan info.

10) SETTINGS: This is where you set all of your personal stats, liege, clan, gender etc.

11) CHARISMA: You have one point that you can give someone each day...so give it to someone who doesn't suck. Its basically like "cool points." 

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