Friday, March 18, 2011

A Brief Introduction

Sometimes your liege just sucks... your maker is a stats fanatic... and something that you really wanted to be a part of becomes an overwhelming world of chaos and confusion. Although you really never liked getting random bite requests when you were a noob, you suddenly understand the feeling of desperation that drives them to it. When you have 1L of blood left in your body, no family, and your liege has mysteriously left you just as quickly and ninja-esque as they entered into your SecondLife, you feel so utterly alone. This all too common predicament leaves you with two options...either allow yourself to become destroyed or learn everything that you can (on your own or within a family) and  fight like hell to survive.

Been there, done that. I've seen good players get frustrated as hell because they wanted so badly to become a vampire or lycan, but fail simply because no one took the time to help them out. So, I guess in a roundabout way, I am determined to help as many people as I can so that they are not cast aside and betrayed as I was by my maker (and as tempting as it is to tell you his name in warning, I will refrain).

So, I invite any active, destroyed, or future players to visit some of the areas of Bloodlines along with me and my family and learn some of the unspoken ettiquette, tried and tested tips, and general hysterics that come along with the adventure (i.e. rezzing with your fangs on your head, poorly lined up bite animations, and the ellusive assbite)... And if you are inworld feel free to send me an IM or a friend request (Amira Carpaccio).

I hope that you enjoy these accounts of my life of love, blood, and mayhem!

<3 Ami

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