Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Human HUD

So you have this fancy thing with all these buttons and you don't know what to do with it? Well, you could read the instructions that come from Bloodlines - but fuck that... here's the Cliff's Notes Version <3

NOTE: if you are planning on turning at some point, there is no point in getting the Human HUD in my humble opinion. Just don't put in your fangs until you've turned...cause um...well now that would just be silly wouldnt it?

Human HUD

1) RADAR: You can see everyone within 96m of you. Good for hunting or avoiding your ex.

2) HIDE/SHOW: Push the button to hide...push again to show. Try it and you will get it... not that hard ;)

3) BLEEDING: This allows you to set your bite marks to fresh, trickle, scabbing, or scar. Just for fun and RP.

4) TATTOO:The second button allows you to set your wounds to a tattoo image instead if you prefer.

5) ENTHRALL: This makes your avatar follow another avatar, so you can role play that you are glamored by them and must obey them.

6) OFFER LUMENS: Offer yourself to a lycan player. Those are the furry ones AKA the werewolves.

7) OFFER BLOOD: Offer yourself to a vamp player. Ummm...yeah...yumminess.

8) SCAN: Ok this one is the most useful. As a human you need to be able to check on the status of your vampire protectors in order to care for them. Check their stats...and offer bites if they are low.

9) SETTINGS: This is where you set all of your personal stats, liege, clan, gender etc.

10) CHARISMA: You have one point that you can give someone each give it to someone who doesn't suck. Its basically like "cool points."

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