Friday, March 25, 2011

Vampire HUD

OK, so for many areas, the HUDs are fairly similar across the BL spectrum, but with various differences in the abilities, animations, and equipment (obviously, Vampires have fangs and Lycans claws). So, I will walk you through all of the HUDs but know that they are primarily the same.

NOTE: if you are planning on turning at some point, there is no point in getting the Human HUD in my humble opinion. Just don't put in your fangs until you've turned...cause um...well now that would just be silly wouldnt it?

Vampire HUD

1) RADAR: You can see everyone within 96m of you. Good for hunting or avoiding your ex.

2) HIDE/SHOW: Push the button to hide...push again to show. Try it and you will get it... not that hard ;)

3) FANGS: Not all places or all hunts are appropriate to be going around with fangs a'glistening. The white fand will allow you to hide/show them and the red ones give the appearance of blood covered ones (press again to brush your teeth and return them to the pretty pre-meal white).

4) BLOOD: This is a cool blood dripping annimation. If you enjoy the dark, bloody things in life. Maybe I'm just a lil sick like that ;)

5) FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: OK, so to be honest, I see no point in having this on the HUD - but I do use the smile for photos and the frown as my token "scrunchy face" for when I am trying to get my way.

6) SMOKE SCREEN: Again, another silly parlour trick. I've only used this as a cool way to TP out of places when there are non BL players around to impress them, and to bite people in public places.

7) INVISIBILITY: This would be a very cool trick if it didnt still show your name in the air. Basically it just places you underground, but in a crowded club when you are trying to spy on someone who you know doesnt have a radar HUD... I mean I guess it could work.

8) BITE: Seems self explainatory... but just in case - you click this when you want to bite someone. A menu pops down and allows you to choose the name of the person you want to request a bite from.

9) SCAN: Ok this one is the most useful. This will tell you if someone is a fresh bite and therefore a valued hunt. Also, it will tell you someones status if they have been bitten, allow you to check the blood, lumen, humanity levels of your charges, and get information about people's status and clan info.

10) SETTINGS: This is where you set all of your personal stats, liege, clan, gender etc.

11) CHARISMA: You have one point that you can give someone each give it to someone who doesn't suck. Its basically like "cool points."

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